How the aptly named Reverse Mortgage Academy is changing the fortunes for loan officers and senior citizens alike
With senior citizens possessing over $11 trillion in home equity, and with 10,000 Americans becoming age-eligible for reverse mortgages on a daily basis, to say the reverse mortgage market has untapped potential is a vast understatement. However, as with all financial products, knowing how to explain and sell reverse mortgages clearly and succinctly, is an art in itself.
“What’s missing is the training on how to sell it,” says Matthew Hemphill, Founder and CEO of Reverse Mortgage Academy. “You need to know how to communicate meaningfully with seniors… how to explain the nuances of the reverse mortgage in a way that makes sense and makes them feel comfortable and excited about the prospect.”
To this end, Matthew has launched an online course aimed squarely at loan officers, aiming to transform them into reverse mortgage experts. The academy’s state-of-the-art course comprises five modules, offering over 10 hours of content through 30 carefully curated videos, and comes with quizzes, an eBook, and a certification to solidify the knowledge gained.
While delving deep into the theory and mechanics of reverse mortgages, the course places significant emphasis on honing the essential skills needed to effectively communicate with seniors. Having over a decade’s worth of experience in the field, Matthew has crafted his course based on real-world expertise gained from working with some of the leading global companies in the sector.
Reverse Mortgage Academy is also exploring partnership possibilities with larger corporations to fundamentally transform the training and onboarding process in the industry. By providing the skills needed to clearly communicate the benefits of reverse mortgages to seniors, Matthew is set to not only help loan officers tap into a profoundly lucrative market but “help as many seniors as possible attain the best quality of life.”
Learn more about Reverse Mortgage Academy at